Jonathan A. Lesser

Jonathan A. Lesser



Jonathan A. Lesser is the president of Continental Economics, Inc. According to his CV, Lesser has “over 35 years of experience โ€œworking for regulated utilities, governments, and as an economic consultant.โ€4โ€œJonathan A. Lesser, Ph.D.โ€ (PDF), Continental Economics, March 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Lesser is an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research (MI), a free market think tank that has received millions of dollars in funding from the fossil fuel industry. 5Jonathan A. Lesser,โ€ Manhattan Institute. Archived April 29, 2019. URL: While associated with MI, Lesser has published a range of reports criticizing electric vehicles6“‘Short Circuit, The High Cost of Electric Vehicle Subsidies’ by Jonathan Lesser, Debunked,” DeSmog, April 29, 2018. and related commentary in news outlets including The Hill and Politico

According to his profile page on the Manhattan Institute website, “Lesser has prepared expert testimony and reports for utility commissions in numerous states; for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; for international regulators; and for commercial litigation cases. He has testified before Congress and many state legislative committees on energy policy and regulatory issues. Lesser is the author of numerous academic and trade-press articles and is a contributing columnist and editorial board member of Natural Gas & Electricity.”7Jonathan A. Lesser,โ€ Manhattan Institute. Archived April 29, 2019. URL:

Stance on Climate Change

May 15, 2018

In a Politico op-ed, Jonathan Lesser claimed that switching to electric cars would not do enough to lower greenhouse gas emissions to justify their sticker prices:8Jonathan Lesser. โ€œAre electric cars worse for the environment?โ€ Politico, May 15, 2018. Archived April 30, 2019. URL:

“…As for greenhouse-gas emissions, my analysis shows that electric vehicles will reduce them compared to new internal combustion vehicles. But based on the [Energy Information Agency’s] projection of the number of new electric vehicles, the net reduction in CO2 emissions between 2018 and 2050 would be only about one-half of one percent of total forecast U.S. energy-related carbon emissions. Such a small change will have no impact whatsoever on climate, and thus have no economic benefit.”

In a response to Lesser’s op-ed, David Pomerantz noted in a May 21, 2018 post on the Energy and Policy Institute website that Lesser’s argument had been scientifically debunked โ€œover and over.โ€ Noting that Lesser and the Manhattan Institute had a lengthy history of climate change denial, Pomerantz observed that Lesser had switched from outright climate denial to ‘a cleverer way to attack electric vehicles. He constructed a bogus argument with a catchy headline, and Politico unfortunately took the bait. Lesser and the Manhattan Instituteโ€™s benefactors from the oil industry will no doubt be pleased.'”9โ€œClimate denier attacks electric vehiclesโ€ฆ for not doing enough to slow down climate change,โ€ “Energy and Policy Institute, May 21, 2018. Archived April 30, 2019. URL:

February 2014

In an opinion column in Natural Gas & Electricitytitled โ€œGlobal Temperatures Have Not Risen for Past 15 years,โ€ Jonathan A. Lesser wrote:10Jonathan A. Lesser. โ€œOutlookโ€”Sunspot Data May Indicate End of Global Warming Trendโ€ (PDF), Natural Gas & Electricity, February 2014. Retrieved from Continental Economics website. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

โ€œThe inability of current climate models to explain the lack of warming over the past 15 years, plus predictions that the sun may be entering a prolonged period of low activity, suggest that much more analysis must be done before we impoverish ourselves by choking off economic growth.

โ€œNevertheless, rather than admit to problems with the climate models, those who insist global warming is real and taking place suggest that the missing heat is hiding in the oceans.โ€

April 2007

In an opinion column for Natural Gas & Electricity titled โ€œGoldilocks and the Three Climates,โ€ Jonathan Lesser claimed:11โ€œGoldilocks and the Three Climates (PDF), Natural Gas & Electricity, April 2007. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

โ€œAlthough many scientists view global climate change as a serious problem, many others continue to express doubt regarding both its magnitude and causes. Clearly, the Earthโ€™s climate has changed continuously throughout its history and long before mankind was mucking about.โ€

Key Quotes

February 8, 2019

Writing on the Manhattan Institute website, Jonathan A. Lesser and Robert Bryce, made criticized the proposed Green New Deal:12โ€œCongressional Democrats Release ‘Green New Deal’ Plan,โ€ Manhattan Institute, February 8, 2019. Archived April 30, 2019. URL:

โ€œThe non-binding resolution for a ‘Green New Deal,’ which was released by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D, NY) and Sen. Markey (D-MA) reads like a teenagerโ€™s ‘Dear Diary’ entry for a perfect world, where everyone is entitled to all the ice cream they want, and a pony to boot. As my recent column in The Hill discussed, moving to a wind and solar-based, greenhouse-gas free economy by 2030, or anytime in the foreseeable future is impossible, barring Star-Trek like discoveries of new energy technologies.โ€

January 22, 2019

In an op-ed for The Hill titled “Green dreams and energy reality,” Jonathan Lesser wrote:13โ€œGreen dreams and energy reality,โ€ The Hill, January 22, 2019. Archived April 30, 2019. URL:

โ€œTo meet U.S. energy needs with wind and solar power would require staggering quantities of materials, causing extensive environmental damage, while covering huge swaths of the country with wind turbines and solar photovoltaics. It would require building thousands upon thousands of miles of high-voltage transmission lines โ€” environmentalists hate those, by the way โ€” to deliver all of that power to cities and towns. And it would necessitate gigantic quantities of battery storage, costing many trillions of dollars, to deal with two pesky realities: The wind doesnโ€™t always blow and the sun has an annoying tendency to disappear at night.โ€

January 9, 2019

In an op-ed for the New York Post, Jonathan Lesser described New York’s zero carbon goal as โ€œinsane”:14โ€œThe drive to make New York โ€˜zero carbonโ€™ is insane,โ€ The New York Post, January 9, 2019. Archived April 30, 2019. URL:

โ€œIf they cared to look, the politicians in Albany could easily see that achieving the CCPAโ€™s [Climate and Community Protection Act] impossible goal will cost trillions of dollars, crater the stateโ€™s economy and have no effect on climate. Of course, when has reality ever stood in the way of green virtue-signaling and spending taxpayer money?โ€

December 4, 2018

Lesser wrote an op-ed in Investor’s Business Daily calling for the end of electric vehicle subsidies, citing his prior debunked report for the Manhattan Institute. He also repeated a common industry talking point that โ€œEV subsidies have primarily benefitted the wealthy.โ€15โ€œIt’s Time To End, Not Mend, Electric Vehicle Subsidies,โ€ Investor’s Business Daily, December 4, 2018. Archived May 1, 2019. URL:

October 26, 2018

Jonathan A. Lesser wrote in an op-ed for The Hill that “the U.S. doesnโ€™t need a carbon tax. And even if it imposed one, it wouldnโ€™t make a difference to global climate.โ€16โ€œFlaw in UN climate report: China, India will never impose carbon tax on themselves,โ€ The Hill, October 26, 2018. Archived April 30, 2019. URL:

July 1, 2018

In a commentary for Power magazine, Jonathan Lesser denounced electric vehicle subsidies and claimed:17โ€œElectric Vehiclesโ€”Subsidies for an Environmental Pretender,โ€ Power, July 1, 2018. Archived April 30, 2019. URL:

โ€œIt is true that EVs will reduce GHG emissions compared with the same number of new ICVs. But the difference will be minimal, about 0.5% of all U.S. energy-related GHG emissions by 2050. Such a small reduction will have no measurable impact on world climate. By comparison, the GHG emissions difference will be far less than the now-moribund Clean Power Plan, which the EPA itself admitted would have no impact on climate.โ€ 

May 15, 2018

Writing at Politico, Jonathan A. Lesser claimed that โ€œwidespread adoption of electric vehicles nationwide will likely increase air pollution compared with new internal combustion vehicles. You read that right: more electric cars and trucks will mean more pollution.โ€ Lesser cited his own recent Manhattan Institute report, “Short Circuit: The High Cost of Electric Vehicle Subsidies,” to support the claim.18Jonathan Lesser. โ€œAre electric cars worse for the environment?โ€ Politico, May 15, 2018. Archived April 30, 2019. URL:

19โ€œShort Circuit: The High Cost of Electric Vehicle Subsidiesโ€ (PDF), May 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

A DeSmog analysis noted that while criticizing subsidies for EVs, Lesser ignored the fact that taxpayers had been paying billions of dollars in oil and gas industry subsidies and preferential tax policies for the past century. 20โ€œShort Circuit: The High Cose of Electric Vehicle Subsidiesโ€ (PDF), May 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

The Energy and Policy Institute noted that Lesser had failed to acknowledge a range of peer-reviewed studies that found electric vehicles would significantly reduce air pollutants like sulfur and nitrogen oxide pollution, as well as carbon dioxide emissions, especially when considering coal-fired power plant retirements.21โ€œClimate denier attacks electric vehiclesโ€ฆ for not doing enough to slow down climate change,โ€ Energy and Policy Institute, May 21, 2018. Archived April 30, 2019. URL:

June 17, 2016

In an Investor’s Business Daily op-ed, Jonathan A. Lesser argued against the idea of โ€œclimate insuranceโ€ โ€” investing in climate policies as a form of insurance against the worst possible outcomes:22โ€œFalse Security: Why Climate ‘Insurance’ Arguments Fall Flat,โ€ Investor’s Business Daily, June 17, 2016. Archived April 30, 2019. URL:

โ€œ[B]ecause the models that link CO2 emissions to changes in climate and world economic growth are so speculative, it’s impossible to know how much buying climate insurance will reduce the risks of those future, undefined catastrophes, if at all.  After all, neither the Clean Power Plan nor the vaunted Paris Agreement will have any measurable impacts on world climate.โ€

February 2014

In a report criticizing Ohioโ€™s Electricity Usage Reduction Mandate, Jonathan Lesser described the mandate as a โ€œ’free lunch’ paid for by Ohio Consumers.โ€23โ€œOhioโ€™s Electricity Usage Reduction Mandate:The ‘Free Lunch’ Paid for by Ohio Consumers,โ€ (PDF), Continental Economics, February 18, 2014.  Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. According to the Energy and Policy Institute, Lesser’s report was funded by the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, the National Federation of Independent Business-Ohio, and Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.24Matt Kasper. โ€œThe repeated effort by Ohio ALEC members to end the stateโ€™s clean energy law,โ€ Energy and Policy Institute, September 17, 2015. Archived April 30, 2019. URL:

August 2008

Jonathan Lesser wrote an op-ed for Natural Gas & Electricity criticizing New Source Review (NSR) regulations under the Clean Air Act, which target pollutants such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide โ€“ both precursor emissions to fine particle pollution. “Even with the EPA’s new rule, NSR remains an anachronism that serves little purpose, other than to raise further the cost of electricity.” 25โ€œNew Source Review Is Still Anything but Routine,โ€ Natural Gas & Electricity, August 2008. Retrived from DocumentCloud.

July 2007

In an op-ed for Natural Gas & Electricity, Jonathan A. Lesser lamented the U.S. Supreme Court’s finding, in Massachusetts v. EPA, that the Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions as air pollutants under the Clean Air Act:26โ€œGoldilocks Chills Outโ€ (PDF), Natural Gas & Electricity, July 2007.

โ€œFar be it for an economist to question legal dictum, but it seems odd to equate CO2 โ€”something every human being releases into the atmosphere as a consequence of breathingโ€”with the more noxious stuff that trains, planes, and automobiles emit. Perhaps the government will figure out a way to tax the air we breathe after all.

โ€œThe EPA could ban all forms of motor transport henceforth. The effect on global warming still would be negligible.โ€

Key Actions

August 2017

Jonathan Lesser wrote a report for the Manhattan Institute criticizing clean energy programs in New York as โ€œsymbolic environmentalism.โ€ In the report, Lesser claimed that New York’s Clean Energy Standard was โ€œunrealistic, unobtainable, and unaffordable โ€ฆ while providing scant, if any, measurable benefits.โ€27โ€œNEW YORKโ€™S CLEAN ENERGY PROGRAMS: The High Cost of Symbolic Environmentalismโ€ (PDF), The Manhattan Institute, August 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

June 2016

The Manhattan Institute released a report by Jonathan Lesser titled โ€Missing Benefits, Hidden Costs: The Cloudy Numbers in the EPA‘s Proposed Clean Power Plan.โ€ Lesser claimed that the โ€œthe EPAโ€™s cost-benefit analysis significantly overestimated the direct benefits of CO2 reductions” under the plan, which would not result in โ€œany measurable impact on world climate.”28โ€œMissing Benefits, Hidden Costs: The Cloudy Numbers in the EPA’s Proposed Clean Power Planโ€ (PDF), Manhattan Institute, June 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

February 2014

Jonathan Lesser wrote a report criticizing Ohioโ€™s Electricity Usage Reduction Mandate, describing it as a โ€œ’free lunch’ paid for by Ohio Consumers.โ€29โ€œOhioโ€™s Electricity Usage Reduction Mandate:The ‘Free Lunch’ Paid for by Ohio Consumers,โ€ (PDF), Continental Economics, February 18, 2014.  Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. The Energy and Policy Institute reported that Lesser’s report was funded by The Ohio Chamber of Commerce, the National Federation of Independent Business-Ohio, and Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.30Matt Kasper. โ€œThe repeated effort by Ohio ALEC members to end the stateโ€™s clean energy law,โ€ Energy and Policy Institute, September 17, 2015. Archived April 30, 2019. URL:

Energy Industry Testimony

According to Jonathan Lesser’s CV, he has been an expert witness in lawsuits involving the power generation, pipeline, and oil industries, such as:31โ€œJonathan A. Lesser, Ph.D.โ€ (PDF), Continental Economics, March 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Primary Group ListedCompanies Involved Governing BodyDocket or CaseSubject
Alliance to Protect Nantucket SoundCape Wind Associates, LLC.Massachusetts Department of Public UtilitiesD.P.U. 10-54Approval of Proposed Long-Term Contracts for Renewable Energy With Cape Wind Associates, LLC.
Arkansas Oklahoma Gas Corp.Arkansas Oklahoma Gas CorporationOklahoma Corporation Commission03-088, 05-006-U, 02-24-UAnalysis and development of recommendations for the appropriate return on equity, capital structure, and overall cost of capital.
Baltimore Gas and Electric Co.Baltimore Gas and Electric Co.Maryland Public Service Commission9099Standard Offer Service pricing. Testimony focused on factors driving electric price increases since 1999, and estimates of rates under continued regulation
Baltimore Gas and Electric Co.Baltimore Gas and Electric Co.Maryland Public Service Commission9073Stranded costs of generation. Testimony focused on analysis of benefits of competitive wholesale power industry.
Baltimore Gas and Electric Co.Baltimore Gas and Electric Co.Maryland Public Service Commission9063Optimal structure of Marylandโ€™s electric industry. Testimony focused on the benefits of competitive wholesale electric markets. Presented independent estimates of the benefits of restructuring since 1999.
BP Canada Marketing Corp.Northern Border Pipeline CompanyFERCRP06-072-000Natural gas supplies, economic lifetime, and depreciation rates.
Brookfield Energy Marketing, LLCNew England Power Generators Association, ISO New England, Inc.FERCER10-787-000, ER10-50-000, EL10-57-000 – ConsolidatedProposed forward capacity market payments for imported capacity into ISONE.
Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd.Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd.  Rebuttal report on weighted average cost of capital methodology and recommendations for Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd.
Central Illinois Lighting CompanyCentral Illinois Lighting CompanyIllinois Commerce Commission02-0837Analysis and development of recommendations for the appropriate return on equity, capital structure, and overall cost of capital.
Citizens Utilities Corp.Citizens Communications CompanyVermont Public Service Board6596Analysis of the prudence and economic used-and-usefulness of Citizensโ€™ long-term purchase of generation from Hydro Quebec, including the estimated environmental costs and benefits of the purchase.
Coaltrain EnergyCoaltrain Energy, L.P., et alFERCIN16-4-000Alleged market manipulation in the PJM energy market
Constellation Energy Commodities Group, LLCAmeren Energy Marketing Company, Ameren Energy, Inc.FERCER07-169-000, ER07-170-000Analysis and testimony on appropriate โ€œopportunity costโ€ rates for ancillary services, including regulation service and spinning reserve service. Case settled prior to testimony being filed.
Constellation Energy GroupMaryland Public Utility Commission, PJM Interconnection, LLC,FERCEL08-67-000โ€œJust and reasonablenessโ€ of PJMโ€™s Reliability Pricing Mechanism.
Constellation New Energy Inc. and Exelon Generation Company, LLCColumbus Southern Power Company, Ohio Power CompanyOhio Public Utilities Commission12-3254-ELUNCDesign of competitive auction process and rate blending for AEP Ohio.
Cottonwood Energy, LPKelson Transmission Company, LLCPublic Utility Commission of TexasDocket No. 34611, SOAH Docket No. 473-08-3341Benefits of transmission capacity investments.
Dogwood Energy, LLCAquila, Inc, Aquila Networks, Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.Missouri Public Service CommissionEO-2008-0046Cost-benefit analysis to determine whether Aquila should join either the Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) or the Southwest Power Pool (SPP).
Duke Energy North America, LLCDevon Power, LLCFERCER03-563-030Appropriate market design for locational installed generating capacity in the New England market to ensure system reliability.
Dynegy LNG Production, LPDynegy LNG Production Terminal, LPFERCCP01-423-000Analysis of market power impacts of proposed LNG facility development.
Dynegy Power Marketing, LLCKeySpan-Ravenswood, LLC, New York Independent System Operator, Inc.FERCEL05-17-000Estimation of damages accruing to Dynegy arising from a failure by the NYISO to accurately calculate locational installed capacity requirements in NYISO during the summer of 2002.
Eastern Massachusetts Consumer Owned SystemsBelmont Municipal Light Department, et al, Central Maine PowerFERCEL16-64-002Allowed rate of return for New England Transmission Owners
Electric Power Supply AssociationMidwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.FERCER07-1182-000Critique of cost-benefit analysis by MISO Independent Market Monitor concluding that permanent establishment of Broad Constrained Area mitigation was appropriate.
Electric Power Supply AssociationPJM Interconnection, LLCFERCEL03-236-002Analysis and critique of proposed pivotal supplier tests for market power in PJM identified load pockets.
Empresa Elรฉctrica de GuatemalaEmpresa Elรฉctrica de GuatemalaComisiรณn Nacional de Energรญa Elรฉctrica Rate of return for an electric distribution company
Energy MichiganConsumers Energy CorporationMichigan Public Utilities CommissionU-17429Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for Consumers Power combined-cycle generating plant.
Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLCEntergy Nuclear Vermont YankeeVermont Public Service Board6812Analysis of the economic benefits of nuclear plant generating capacity expansion as required for an application for a Certificate of Public Good.
EPIC Merchant Energy, LLC, et al.Ameren Services Company, Midwest Independent System Operator, IncFERCEL07-86-000, EL07-88-000, EL07-92-000 – ConsolidatedAllocation of revenue sufficiency guarantee costs.
Exelon CorporationExelon CorporationNew Jersey Board of Public UtilitiesEO-11050309PJM Capacity Market, Capacity Procurement, and Transmission Planning
Exelon CorporationPJM Interconnection, LLCFERCER15-623-000Redesign of PJM forward capacity market to incorporate Capacity Performance resources.
Federal Energy Regulatory CommissionFederal Energy Regulatory CommissionFERC Analysis of proposal to revise RTO capacity market design developed by the American Forest and Paper Association.
Financial MarketersBlack Oak Energy, LLC, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.,FERCEL08-014-002Allocation of surplus transmission line losses under the PJM tariff.
FirstEnergy Solutions Corp.AEP OhioOhio Public Utilities Commission11-346-ELSSO, 11-348-ELSSORevised AEP Ohio energy security plan, benefits of retail market competition.
FirstEnergy Solutions Corp.AEP OhioOhio Public Utilities Commission10-2929-ELUNCAppropriate price for commercial retail electric suppliers to be charged by AEP Ohio for installed capacity under the PJM Fixed Resource Requirement tariff option.
FirstEnergy Solutions Corp.Dayton Power & Light Co.Ohio Public Utilities Commission12-426-ELSSODayton Power & Light Co., Electric Security Plan; financial integrity, anticompetitive cross-subsidization and need for structural separation
FirstEnergy Solutions Corp.Duke Energy OhioOhio Public Utilities Commission12-2400-ELUNCJust and reasonableness of Duke Energy Ohio cost-recovery mechanism for capacity resources.
FirstEnergy Solutions Corp.Indiana & Michigan Power Co.Michigan Public Service CommissionU-17032Indiana & Michigan Power Co. proposed capacity charges for customers taking retail electric service.
Government of Belize, Public Utility CommissionBelize Electricity Limited.Belize Public Utility Commission Arbitration and Independent Expertโ€™s report, in dispute between the Belize PUC and Belize Electricity Limited in an annual electric rate tariff review, as required under Belize law.
Green Mountain Power Corp.Department of Public ServiceVermont Public Service Board5980, 5983Analysis of distributed utility planning methodologies and environmental costs.
Green Mountain Power Corp.Green Mountain Power CorporationVermont Public Service Board6107Analysis of the appropriate discount rate, treatment of environmental costs, and the treatment of risk and uncertainty as part of a major power-purchase agreement with Hydro-Quebec.
IGI Resources, LLC and BP Canada Energy Marketing Corp.Gas Transmission Northwest CorporationFERCRP06-407-000Natural gas supplies, economic lifetime, and depreciation rates.
Independent Power Producers of New YorkNew York Independent System Operator, IncFERCER08-283-000Revisions to the installed capacity (ICAP) market demand curves in the New York control area, which are designed to provide economic incentives for new generation development.
Independent Power Producers of New YorkNew York Independent System Operator, Inc.FERCER11-2224-000Reasonableness of the proposed installed capacity demand curves and cost of new entry values proposed by the New York Independent System Operator.
Indicated Shippers of CaliforniaPacific Gas and Electric CompanyCalifornia Public Utilities Commission13-12-012, 14-06-016Risk management procedures for PG&Eโ€™s natural gas transmission facilities and reasonableness of revenue requirement
Industrial Energy Users – OhioAEP OhioOhio Public Utilities Commission08-917-ELSSODetermination of cost associated with โ€œprovider-of-last-resortโ€ (POLR) service and AEP Ohioโ€™s use of option pricing models.
Industrial Energy Users โ€“ OhioOhio Power CompanyOhio Public Utilities Commission14-1693-ELRDRReasonableness of nonbypassable rider associated with a long-term proposed purchase power agreement between AEP Generation and AEP Ohio.
Kansas City Board of Public UtilitiesGreat Plains Energy Incorporated, Kansas City Power & Light Company, Westar Energy, IncFERC16-KCPE-593-ACQ, EC16-146-000Financial risk and hold-harmless provisions for the proposed merger between Great Plains Energy and Westar
Kern River Pipeline CompanyKern River PipelineFERCRP17-248-000Depreciation study prepared for Kern River as part of rate settlement proceeding
Keyspan-Ravenswood, LLCKeySpan-Ravenswood, LLC, New York Independent System Operator, Inc.FERCEL05-17-000Estimation of damages arising from a failure by the NYISO to accurately calculate locational installed capacity requirements in New York City during the summer of 2002.
M-S-R Public Power AgencySouthern California Edison Co.FERCER09-187-000, ER10-160-000Allowed rate of return for construction work in progress (CWIP) expenditures for certain transmission facilities
Mainline Shippers GroupGulf South Pipe Line Company, LPFERCRP15-65-000Allowed rate of return and capital structure.
Maryland Public Service CommissionFirstEnergy Corporation, Allegheny Energy, Inc.Maryland Public Service Commission9233Proposed merger between FirstEnergy Corporation and Allegheny Energy. Testimony described the structure and results of a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether the proposed merger met the stateโ€™s positive benefits test, and included analysis of market power and merger synergies.
Matanuska ElectricMatanuska ElectricRegulatory Commission of AlaskaU-04-102Analysis of the reasonableness of Chugach electricโ€™s depreciation study.
Missouri Gas Energy Corp.Kansas Pipeline CorporationFERCRP99-485-000Gas supply analysis to determine pipeline depreciation rates as part of an overall rate proceeding.
New York Association of Public UtilitiesNiagara Mohawk Power Co.FERCEL14-29-000, EL12-101-000Allowed rate of return and capital structure
New York Regional Interconnect, Inc.New York Regional Interconnect, Inc.New York Public Service Commission06-T-0650Analysis of economic and public policy benefits of a proposed high-voltage transmission line.
Occidental Chemical CorporationWestar Energy, Inc.FERCER07-1344-000Compliance of wholesale power sales agreement with FERC standards
Paiute Pipeline CompanyPaiute Pipeline CompanyFERCRP14-540-000Natural gas supplies and depreciation rates for transmission, storage, and general plant accounts.
Pemex-Gas y Petroquรญmica Bรกsica Comisiรณn Reguladora de Energรญa Expert report in a rate proceeding. Presented analysis before the Comisiรณn Reguladora de Energรญa on the appropriate rate of return for the natural gas pipeline industry.
Pipeline shippersNorthern Natural Gas CompanyFERCRP03-398-000Gas supply analysis to determine pipeline depreciation rates as part of an overall rate proceeding.
Pipeline ShippersVenice Gathering SystemFERCRP16-975-000Testimony on depreciation and rate of return analysis.
Portland Natural Gas ShippersNorthern Border Pipeline CompanyFERCRP10-729-000, RP08-306-000Natural gas supplies, economic lifetime, and depreciation rates.
Public Service Company of New MexicoPublic Service Company of New MexicoNew Mexico Public Regulation Commission10-00086-UTLoad forecast for future test year, residential price elasticity study.
Redbud Energy, LPPublic Service Company of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Corporation CommissionOklahoma Corporation CommissionPUD 200700418Reasonableness of PSOโ€™s 2008 RFP design.
Shell Energy North America, LPRockies Express Pipeline, LLCFERCRP11-1844-000, RP12-399-000Economic appropriateness of roll-in treatment of โ€œlost and unaccountableโ€ fuel
Sierra Pacific Power Corp.Paiute Pipeline CompanyFERCRP05-163-000Depreciation analysis, negative salvage, and natural gas supplies. Case settled prior to filing expert testimony.
Southwest Gas CorporationEl Paso Natural Gas CompanyFERCRP10-1398-000Development of risk-sharing methodology for unsubscribed and discount capacity costs.
Southwest Gas Corporation and Salt River ProjectEl Paso Natural Gas CompanyFERCRP08-426-000Analysis of proposed capital structure and recommended capital structure adjustments.
Southwestern Electric CooperativeMidwestern ISO, Ameren IllinoisFERCER11-2777-002Allowed rate of return and capital structure
State of New Jersey Board of Public UtilitiesPublic Service Enterprise Group, Exelon CorporationState of New Jersey Board of Public UtilitiesBPU Docket No. EM05020106, OAL Docket No. PUC-1874-050Proposed merger between Exelon Corporation and PSEG Corporation. Testimony described the structure and results of a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether the proposed merger met the stateโ€™s positive benefits test, and included analysis of market power, value of changes in nuclear plant operations, and merger synergies.
Summit Metro ParksNew Summit Hydro LLCFERCP-14612-000Application of Summit Hydro LLC for development of a proposed pumped-storage hydroelectric facility in Norton, Ohio.
The NRG CompaniesISO New England Inc., New England Power PoolFERCER08-1209-000Compensation of Rejected De-list Bids Under ISONEโ€™s Forward Capacity Market Design
Transmission Agency of Northern CaliforniaPacific Gas & Electric CompanyFERCER09-1521-000, ER08-1318-000, ER07-1213-000, ER06-1325-000, ER05-1284-000, ER03-409-000, ER03-666-000Analysis of appropriate return on equity, capital structure, and overall cost of capital. Case settled prior to filing expert testimony.
United Illuminating CompanyUnited Illuminating CompanyConnecticut Department of Public Utility99-03-04Development and application of dynamic programming models to estimate nuclear plant stranded costs.
Utah Industrial Energy ConsumersRocky Mountain Power CorporationUtah Public Service Commission13-035-184, 13-034-196Revenue requirement, cost allocation, and design of back-up service rates
Utah Industrial Energy Users CoalitionRocky Mountain Power Corp.Utah Public Service CommissionU-11035-200Appropriate methodology for embedded cost allocation for Rocky Mountain Power.
Vermont Department of Public ServiceCentral Vermont Public Service CompanyVermont Department of Public Service6867Analysis and development of recommendations for the appropriate return on equity, capital structure, and overall cost of capital.
Vermont Department of Public ServiceGreen Mountain Power Corp.Vermont Department of Public Service7175, 7176Cost of capital and allowed return on equity under cost of service regulation, as well as under a proposed alternative regulation proposal.
Vermont Department of Public ServiceGreen Mountain Power CorporationVermont Department of Public Service6866Analysis and development of recommendations for the appropriate return on equity, capital structure, and overall cost of capital.
Vermont Department of Public ServiceShoreham Telephone CompanyVermont Department of Public Service6914Analysis and development of recommendations for the appropriate return on equity, capital structure, and overall cost of capital.
Vermont Department of Public ServiceVermont Electric Power CompanyVermont Department of Public Service6860Development of a least-cost transmission system investment strategy to analyze the prudence of a major high-voltage transmission system upgrade proposed by the Vermont Electric Power Company.


Note:The following information regarding Jonathan Lesser’s professional experience has been taken from his CV, and has not been independently confirmed by DeSmog.

Other Affiliations

Social Media


According to his CV, Lesser has published articles relating to economics in peer-reviewed journals, which he lists as the Journal of Regulatory Economics, Journal of International Arbitration, Regulation, Energy Law Journal, Energy Policy, The Energy Journal, Contemporary Policy Issues, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Land Economics, Geothermics, Energy, Natural Resources Journal, Energy Systems and Policy, and Research in Law and Economics.44โ€œJonathan A. Lesser, Ph.D.โ€ (PDF), Continental Economics, March 2019. Archived .pdf on file atย DeSmog.

A search of Google Scholar for Jonathan A Lessor and the phrase “climate change” primarily returns results from Natural Gas Electricity,45Google Scholar Search for “climate change” by author Jonathan A Lessor, performed September 29, 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.“the monthly journal for producers, marketers, pipelines, and end users.” It also lists several of his articles with the Manhattan Institute.46Jonathan Lesser. “Energy and the environment: Talk is cheap: The UN’s Doha conference strikes out โ€ฆ again,Natural Gas Electricity via Wiley Online Library, January 18. 2013. Archived September 29, 2023.

Natural Gas & Electricity (ISSN: 1545-7893) now redirects to the Climate and Energy journal, published by Wiley, which is focused on “the energy industryโ€™s most current and compelling topics.”47Overview,Climate and Energy at the Wiley Online Library. Archived September 29, 2023. Archive URL: According to Climate and Energy‘s author guidelines, articles are approved by the editor, however it does not explicit list peer review as part of the publication process.48Author Guidelines,” Climate and Energy via Wiley Online Library. Archived September 29, 2023. Archive URL: An archive of the Natural Gas & Electricity journal, also published by Wiley, suggested that all articles were approved and reviewed by the associate publisher. Peer review was not mentioned.49Author Guidelines,” Natural Gas & Electricity via Wiley Online Library. Archived May 12, 2012. Archive URL:

Manhattan Institute Reports

Lesser has written a number of reports for the Manhattan Institute, where he is an adjunct fellow. Some samples below:50โ€œJonathan A. Lesser,โ€ Manhattan Institute. Archived April 29, 2019. URL:ย

Selected Op-Eds and Commentary

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